Summit E13 Flip EVO & MSI PEN tips
The Summit E13 Flip Evo is the latest flip laptop from MSI, together with MSI Pen, it meets the needs of every scenario possible.
For the premium users who purchased MSI summit E13 flip and MSI pen, MSI has released a tutorial video that not only shared the basic function but also unveiled the useful techniques that can solve user’s pain point on traditional laptop.
There are many features shown in the video link above, but there are some features that we’d like to share more information with you.
The face identification and fingerprint biometric sensor on Summit E13 are two of the most secure and fast way of login. If you skipped face identification and fingerprint unlock during the Windows 10 first time login process, you can still set them up by goes to “Windows setting”, “Accounts” then “Sign-in options”. Remember that you must setup password and PIN before you start face and fingerprint registration.
MSI Pen Bluetooth button is very useful during power point presentation. When the MSI pen Bluetooth button is being clicked once, it actually triggers “Page down”. “Page up” is triggered when clicked twice, thus, any software that has “Page up” and “Page down” function, like PDF and web browser, can also benefit from MSI pen during presentation.
The Summit E13 flip EVO has a built-in gyroscope which allows rotate detection. If you would like to lock in horizontal or vertical position like a smartphone, scroll from the right edge of screen or click notification center button on the right bottom corner, and select “Rotation lock”. The “Rotation lock” will be grayed out when it is in laptop mode (not flipped).
You may worry that one may accidentally hit the key while the laptop is in flip mode. Don’t worry, the keyboard has been designed to be disabled automatically when the Summit E13 flip Evo is flipped.
If you have not own a Summit E13 flip EVO and MSI Pen yet and are interested in this premium laptop after watching the tutorial video, please visit MSI website for more information.
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